general psychiatry
The human brain is the most complicated part of the body. Like any other part of the body it can be affected negatively by disease, injury, your environment, and genetics. Like other areas of the body, it can be cared for through a variety of techniques. If you or someone you care for is suffering, there are many treatment options available. Seeking help is the first step to living life to its fullest.
women's health

complex treatments

Psychiatric illness with chronic medical illness
There are many physical illnesses and medications that increase the risk or severity of psychiatric conditions. Psychotherapy can help with the psychological aspects of accepting and coping with chronic illness and there may be psychiatric medications that can be safely added to help with poor sleep, poor appetite, pain, anxiety, and depression.
mood disorders

This includes the treatment of depression, bipolar disorder, and related conditions. While different people with mood disorders may have similar symptoms, every client’s life and what works best for him/her is always different and fascinating. I enjoy finding the individualized treatment that will work best for each person.